Wentworthville Anglican Church - About Us

At our church meetings, we do things as you might expect if you’ve been to church before. And if you've never been to church before, you're most welcome to join us!

We read the Bible, listen to a talk where a part of the Bible is explained, and we think together about how we should respond to it. We speak to God in prayer, either as a large group or in smaller groups. We sing songs that praise God, state or support what we believe, and encourage us. And we spend time as God’s family, sharing tea & coffee and light refreshments together, and encouraging each other to grow as followers of Jesus.

We embrace the many cultures in our community! We use English as our main language, but have occasional segments in languages like Tamil or Dinka. Culturally sensitive food is available, as well as gluten free options. We are a mix of people from all around the world, in all stages of life.

We are a group of fallen, broken people following the sovereign, all-powerful God. Our common link is the one and only God, Jesus the King. Through Jesus we have real forgiveness, real life and real hope.

We’re all about helping people understand who Jesus is, what he has done for us, and how to live for him. This is something we work at everyday. But we know it’s important to be refreshed by meeting together, to learn from his word, and to encourage one another in our walk with God. So, we are always talking about Jesus!

You can connect with us via Facebook, and our YouTube Channel.

Some friendly faces at our church More friendly people from church


On any Sunday, at our 10am church meeting, you can expect the following:

  • At the door you’ll be greeted and given a nametag. The nametag makes it just a littler easier for us all to chat to each other - but don’t worry, everyone wears one! If you have any questions, feel free to ask at the door.
  • You can sit anywhere you like. Seating is not reserved or segregated in any way.
  • You do not need to be a believer or identify as Christian to attend any of our meetings. Visitors from all cultures, backgrounds, and social positions are welcome! Feel free to join in wherever you feel comfortable, or to remain silent and observe.
  • Children of all ages are welcome at our meetings. But a special kids program runs year-round at our 10am meeting. All our kids leaders are trained and have passed NSW working with children checks. A crying room is available for babies and their carers, if you need some privacy.
  • A collection of money may be taken, although we try to make this as discrete as possible. Funds from all meetings are used to support the ministry work of our church, as well as Gospel work around Australia and abroad. More information about financial support.
  • Tea and coffee are available after the meeting. Please join us! If you have questions, this is a good time to talk to the meeting leader or minister. You can also meet other people who come to church in Wenty.


What We Believe

This is a more theological explanation of what we stand for as Christian believers at Wentworthville Anglican Church.

God makes it clear in the bible that we have rejected Him by ignoring Him and disobeying Him. We do this despite the fact that God is our creator and rightful ruler.

As a result of our rebellion, God has no choice but to punish us. We are told in the bible that 'He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power.' (2 Thes 1:8-9)

However God is not only just, but loving and merciful. In his great love, God sent his son, Jesus, into the world to die in our place, taking the punishment that we deserved. 'Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.' (1 pe 3:18) It is through Jesus that we are able to have a new relationship with God.

God also raised Jesus from the dead, never to die again and placed him in charge of all things. Jesus is Lord!

The question is, is he your Lord?

If you submit your life to Jesus and make him your Lord, relying on him alone for salvation, then God accepts you as one of His sons and daughters. More than that God gives you his Spirit and a fresh start.

This is God's good news (or gospel). Trust in Jesus and you can have a new relationship with God.

In summary: 

We believe:

God is bringing people together under the loving rule of His Son Jesus Christ, as we respond to His word, the Bible.

Therefore, our Goals are:

  • To tell people who Jesus Christ is and what he has done.
  • To help people understand and act on God's word.
  • To equip the people of God to lovingly serve others.


We do this to give God our creator the honour due to Him.